Thursday, April 5, 2012

Using Flickr in The Classroom

The most obvious application of Flickr photography is to use it in the design of lessons that promote and build visual literacy skills in students.  Some ideas of how to use Flicker in the classroom are:  creative writing assignments with individual pictures or storytelling with multiple pictures; teaching students about creative common licensing; having the students create digital portfolios; and allowing your student to collect photos from Flickr to create presentations and to also analyze the pictures.  Students can even create slide shows, magazine covers, and posters within Flickr.  Flickr is not only a great place to find pictures; the site invites student collaboration and participation.  Students can embed comments on the image itself.  A Geography class could use Flickr with Google Earth to teach Geography.  There are so many uses for Flickr that hopefully teachers will start to take advantage of the site.  Here is a picture that I pulled from Flickr.  Think how you could use it in your class!

Image Citation:
Jodriscoll61.  (2010, December 15). American Revolution Politican Cartoons 7.  Jodriscoll61’s Photostream.  Received April 5, 2012, from

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the variety of uses for Flickr. I never thought about searching for cartoons. Brilliant!
    I especially like the commentary section where students can creative title the images. The possibilities really are endless!
