Saturday, March 17, 2012

Persuasive Writing with Your Brackets

I came across this lesson for Persuasive Writing and I thought it is the perfect time of year to try this with your English Classes or tweek it a litle to fit your class.  I think that this blogging assignment is a great way to have the students not only improve their creative writing, but it also promotes a little competition in the classroom, which I like.  I’m sure the students got extremely engrossed in this project and now would be a perfect time to start this because the NCAA tournament just started.  It could be a yearly project around this time of year.  I think blogs provide an opportunity for students to express what they are thinking and to interact with people around the world.  It can be a very useful educational tool.

Here is a link to the student's projects -look for the Bracket Regions at the top of the page:

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