Saturday, March 24, 2012

Social Bookmarking Lesson - In-Service Day Training

Here is my plan to offer a training session to our staff on an upcoming in-sesrvice day.

Chris Lloyd – Adding bookmarks to Lesson Plan – 3-D-2
Professional Staff – In-service Day Training Session – Using

Objectives: The staff will use their prior knowledge of the internet and websites in their content area to:  use the online bookmarking tool,; understand how to add bookmarks using a account and add a description, note, and tags to the bookmarks.

Materials and equipment needed for the instruction session:

  • account (free to set up)
  • Computer lab with access to the internet (wireless, if laptops are being used)
  • Reference/Instruction Sheet

Lesson Plan:

  1. Introduction - The presentation will consist of a short lecture, a demonstration, practice time for the staff (adding and tagging web resources), and a little time for questions and clarification.
    1. What is It's an online tool that lets you bookmark, tag and describe links.
    2. Show my Delicious account as an example
    3. Create a Delicious account – walk the staff through creating a username and password and accessing their account.
    4. Give general overview and brief tour of the screen.
    5. Model adding a link to the Delicious account.
  2. Adding links
    1. Learn how to add links. There are two ways to bookmark links.
      1. (Buttons)
        1. One of them involves a shortcut button that you can have added to your internet browser.
        2. The checkered button takes you to your account.
        3. The one that says tag adds the site you are currently looking at.
      2. (With-in the account)
        1. Open account
        2. Explain steps on how to create a link from within their account.
    2. Explain tags and description options when bookmarking a site.
    3. Pass out Handout.
    4. Questions – on procedure or the website.
  3. Class Time
    1. Allow staff to add links of their own – use sites that you would use with your students or for teaching your content.
      1. For each bookmark, make sure that you add a description/title, notes (brief), and at least one tag.
  4. Closing
    At the conclusion of the training session, make sure everyone can use the website  Indicate that the instruction sheet will be posted on my district website as well as the Methacton Technology Blog.  Allow the remainder of the time for questions and assisting the staff with bookmarking sites – possibly provide some content-specific sites for each person depending on the size of the group.

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