Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Learning Via RSS

I feel that RSS feeds can be a very useful way to learn about new information and gather additional resources for use in the classroom.  I am always searching for different websites, resources, and other material to pass along to teachers in my building.  I subscribe to several websites and blogs that help me create different lesson ideas for the teachers in my building.  Subscribing to RSS feeds is a way to check for updates to these websites, without having to visit each site individually.  It save so much time to just go to one location and search the specific posts that come to me rather than typing in different URLs and visiting all of the those sites one at a time.  I think that it allows me to stay informed of new posts and other information from these sites/blogs which I consider useful to me.  It really does save time not needing to visit each site and allows me to be more efficient and productive with other aspects of my job.


  1. Chris, I think using RSS feeds is a perfect way to stay on top of current events and it is also a huge time saver. I am amazed at all the things I didn't know about, that are going to make my life and teaching SO much easier.

    1. I does make it easier when you only have to go to one spot to find all of the topics that interest you.

  2. What's interesting is that I develop habits with Google Reader that mimic my old newspaper and magazine habits! I never read from front to back or cover to cover in one sitting. I jump to the crossword, the police blotter (who got nabbed), the editorial, the obits, society, etc. In Reader, I open the "light" feeds first like comics and gadets and gizmos before I jump into anything heavy like educational pedagogy or mainstreaming.

    Some things don't change, just the tool!

  3. It's great to see that the use of RSS feeds is helping so much, Chris. My experience has been that the more that I use feeds, the more dependent I become on them!
